We wish everyone to stay healthy during this unexpected time.
It is very important to us that we continue to support our customers and let you know we are here for you.
We have prepared our staff according to the government recommendations
and have taken extensive safety measures.
One of the many advantages of our orange oil treatment is that it is absolutely perfect for these times,
because you don’t need to leave your home.

Over 500 Businesses Use XT-2000
With XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus™ your customers enjoy the comforts of staying at home. XT-2000 avoids potential landscape damage from the tent, time spent packing and unpacking, hotel fees, and replacing any food or medicine. Plus, you use a product made from a renewable resource – citrus rinds!
Target Pests With Orange Oil XT-2000
XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus: for your drywood termite, wood-boring beetle, and carpenter ant needs. It is a restricted use product.
Need to treat a condominium complex, apartment building, restaurant, school, or hospital? These can be difficult and costly to treat with other methods – use XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus™ instead!

Advantages for the Pest Control Operator
XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus™ works with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices. IPM is an emerging environmental practice currently in the process of adoption across the country to minimize the use of pesticides through an ongoing treatment process.